Each Group / Unit handles their own membership database. The quickest way to join is to contact your nearest Group / Unit, by looking them up below and making direct contact.
Please enter your post code to find your nearest group.
Use the Category Filter to select the relevant age range (Scout Groups* 6-14, Explorer Units 14-18, Network Units 18-25).
Once presented with a list of local groups, the group name can be clicked for additional information and contact details.
To see a listing of all groups and they days they meet, click here.
Should you have any problems using the search facility, or have a general enquiry, please visit this page and raise a ticket or click the speech bubble icon in the bottom right of this page.
If you live outside the London Borough of Sutton, please refer to the HQ website here for other Groups in the wider area.
For general enquiries please “Open a new ticket“